Justin Trudeau?
For a while in Ontario I was a UC it was not that good of a position! Get rid of group homes for kids!
A few years ago I notified people face to face about this man using an informant to install devices in cars of Italian men the informant ran to Cuba now this idiot thinks Portugal is right place for himself
Don't threaten my kid again it won't just be a simple deportation!
Kind of think Larry Campbell check-marked too many I put there
Okay fake VIN's and selling cars that were not properly signed over example seized during factory recalls in Edmonton.
AMVIC should be investigated for permitting vehicle fraud
Abbas may not be a legit Peace officer
Waterloo Ford sold my car after seizing it illegally
AMVIC lied in their correspondence. This was more than a vehicle fraud it was a Charter violation in multiple ways.
We are slowly very slowly becoming to treat aboriginal culture with decency and respect for their families. Very slowly like possibly not stealing their kids anymore!
The Federal government is possibly going to far with Albertans. We do need rights that are being ignored in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Apartment costs are up fuel bills kids prescriptions food and political donations are being solicited in improper ways. How sick is this country pushing MAID as the final solution for homelessness.
New Canadians find housing perks Canadian citizens are growing in homeless numbers
The housing support workers in Edmonton as an example. Try finding affordable housing on your own or find a good support worker if possible. It used to be possible to move anywhere in Alberta for a similar rate of rent. Not so much anymore.